Issue Tracker

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The Kyuubi community uses Github Issues to track various ideas, work, bugs, etc. The Github issues tracker integrated with our development repository makes it easier to organize work, focus on essential tasks, and keep plans up to date simultaneously.

Although everyone can create an issue that might include any content as long as you have a Github account and we do not make any mandatory restrictions on the functionality of this section, all communication is subject to the ASF Code of Conduct. If you observe behavior that violates those rules, please follow the ASF reporting guidelines.

How to Use Github Issues

This section does not include any specific function of Github issues itself which can be quickly learned from the docs of Github.

First Good Issue

An issue with the label good first issue is an excellent way for first-time contributors to start with Kyuubi. You can get a complete list here.

Report Bug

It doesn’t really matter whether what you are reporting is a bug or not. Just feel free to share the problem you have encountered with the community. For best practices, if it is indeed a bug, please try to provide the reproducible steps. It’s beneficial if the bug report has a description of how the bug was introduced, by which commit or version, so that reviewers can easily understand the bug.

Try our bug issue template form and fill as much information as you can provide.

Submit Ideas or Feature Requests

As a volunteer-driven project, ideas are always welcome ;)

Try our feature template form and make your proposal clear for others to understand.

For large features or major changes to the codebase, you may need to create a Kyuubi Project Improvement Proposal.

Fix Bugs

Issues tagged with bug are open to whoever wants to fix them.

Implement Features

Issues tagged with feature are open to whoever wants to implement them.

Ask Questions

For general questions, please use Mailing Lists first, from where you get much more attention.