Inviting New Committers

This is the Apache Kyuubi specific processes for adding new committers, following the Apache Project Management Committee and New Committer Process guidelines.

New Committer Progress

To go through the whole process of inviting a new committer, you need to be a Kyuubi PMC member and go step by step according to the following table.

StepsWhoWhereNotesTemplatesTime to Wait
DISCUSSIONPMCprivate@kyuubi.apache.orgIf you recognize someone’s contributions have met our requirements, please raise a discussion in the private@ w/ the Kyuubi PMC before the formal vote. It may be nice to include some details about why you want to invite the persondiscussion72 hours
VOTEPMCprivate@kyuubi.apache.orgIf there are no strong objections in the discussion, please raise new threads to vote the candidates one by one.vote72 hours
RESULTPMCprivate@kyuubi.apache.orgNo matter whether the result is positive or negative, please raise a new thread to summarize. If the result is negative, dismiss the following steps.result0
INVITATIONPMCinvitee’s email
If the result is positive(achieved by Consensus Approval: at least 3 +1 votes and no vetoes), send a invitation to the new committer candidate.invitation0
REPLYInviteethe current mail threadIf the invitee accepts, go to next step; otherwise, express the gratitude of Kyuubi community and stop here.0
ACCEPTPMCthe current mail threadReply to the current thread w/ a warm welcome and more information for account creation.accept0
ACCOUNTInvitee / asf secretarysecretary@apache.orgFollow the guidelines in the invitation email to make a account creation request.a week
NOTIFICATIONPMCinvitee’s email
After the committer account is established(after received [NOTICE] Account created: from, DO NOT forget to notice the invitee.completion0
NEWSInviteekyuubi-websiteMake a pull request against the web repo to update the news and current committers pages.0
ANNOUNCEMENTPMCdev@kyuubi.apache.orgThe last step to announce and celebrate the new committer.announcement0


A post to introduce yourself and how you become a committer is welcome to be submitted to our WeChat public account @apachekyuubi.