Kyuubi Shaded Release Notes - 0.3.0
- [KYUUBI-SHADED #33] Port ZOOKEEPER-1718 to support JLine2 in ZK client 3.4
- [KYUUBI-SHADED #35] Create a light shaded HiveMetaStoreClient for getting DelegationToken
- [KYUUBI-SHADED #36] Remove dependencyManagement in shaded zookeeper pom
- [KYUUBI-SHADED #37] Split Thrift out from relocated hive-service-rpc
- [KYUUBI-SHADED #39] Bump Thrift 0.16.0
- [KYUUBI-SHADED #40] kyuubi-relocated-hive-metastore-client supports ZooKeeper 3.4
- [KYUUBI-SHADED #41] Relocated Hive MetaStore client uses relocated Thrift
Last but not least, this release would not have been possible without the following contributors: