News Archive
- Kyuubi Spark TPC-H Connector design and implementation
- Rework Kyuubi Hive JDBC driver to get rid of Hive dependencies
- Flink engine improvement
- Publish an article to show how to integrate Kyuubi w/ Apache Ambari[2]
- Bug fix and docs improvement.
- Separate events to a submodule, and support events for Hive engine and Trino engine
- Participate in support Hive engine. add process builder, option parser, provide a few configurations, etc
- Supporting jdbc engine
- Add a few UDF for Spark engine
- Implement BatchesResource GET /batches
- Participate in authz module, add FilteredShowFunctionsCommand and FilteredShowDatabasesCommand
- A few bug fix and docs improvement
- Implement dedicated set/get catalog/database operators
- Add adapter layer in Kyuubi Hive JDBC module
- Make ProcessBuilder.commands immutable
- Redact secret information from ProcBuilder log
- kyuubi-ctl some optimizations and added documentation
- Participate in discussions and development Spark TPC-DS Connector
- Investigate and fix multiple flaky tests
- Added connection concurrency limit to kyuubi server
- Added the digest Zookeeper authentication mode to the service discovery module
- Optimized orphan engine related issues
- Implemented a history server plugin of Kyuubi to Spark
- Implemented the execution progress of Spark SQL statements
- Supported single session mode of the Spark SQL engine
- Participated in the discussion and optimization of the engine pool.
Apache Kyuubi(Incubating) 1.6.0-incubating released
2022 Sep 6
We are happy to announce the availability of Apache Kyuubi(Incubating) 1.6.0-incubating! Visit the release notes to read about the new features, or download the released today.
New committer: Qingbo Jiao
2022 Jul 26
The Podling Project Management Committee (PPMC) for Apache Kyuubi has invited Qingbo Jiao to become our committer and we are pleased to announce that he has accepted.
He is currently working for AsiaInfo.
Qingbo contributed to several modules in Kyuubi consistently over 9 months.
In detail, his contributions are as follows
Please join me in congratulating Qingbo Jiao!
Being a committer enables easier contribution to the project since there is no need to go via the patch submission process. This should enable better productivity. A PPMC member helps manage and guide the direction of the project.
New committer: Min Zhao
2022 Jul 20
The Podling Project Management Committee (PPMC) for Apache Kyuubi has invited Min Zhao to become our committers and we are pleased to announce that he has accepted.
Min Zhao contributed to several modules in Kyuubi consistently over 9 months, including both the Kyuubi server and engines.
In detail, his contributions are as follows:
He also helps review other developers’ pull requests actively in the community.
Please join me in congratulating Min Zhao!
Being a committer enables easier contribution to the project since there is no need to go via the patch submission process. This should enable better productivity. A PPMC member helps manage and guide the direction of the project.
New committer: Shaoyun Chen
2022 Jun 21
The Podling Project Management Committee (PPMC) for Apache Kyuubi has invited Shaoyun Chen to become our committer and we are pleased to announce that he has accepted.
Shaoyun is currently working for
He has contributed to multiple modules of the Apache Kyuubi since last year including:
He has introduced Apache Kyuubi V1.4.0 to as a multi-tenant SQL engine for Spark3, running a large number of Ad-Hoc queries every day. He found and fixed some bugs encountered in the production environment, and also implemented some optimizations.
Please join me in congratulating Shaoyun!
Being a committer enables easier contribution to the project since there is no need to go via the patch submission process. This should enable better productivity. A PPMC member helps manage and guide the direction of the project.
Apache Kyuubi(Incubating) 1.5.2-incubating released
2022 Jun 18
We are happy to announce the availability of Apache Kyuubi(Incubating) 1.5.2-incubating! Visit the release notes to read about the new features, or download the released today.
New committer: Zhen Wang
2022 May 24
The Podling Project Management Committee (PPMC) for Apache Kyuubi has invited Zhen Wang to become our committer and we are pleased to announce that he has accepted.
Zhen contributed to several modules in Kyuubi consistently over 6 months, including both the Kyuubi server and Spark SQL engine.
The enhancements he made to Kyuubi server:
The features and enhancements he made to Spark SQL engine:
He also helps review other developers’ pull requests actively in the community.
Please join me in congratulating Zhen!
Being a committer enables easier contribution to the project since there is no need to go via the patch submission process. This should enable better productivity. A PPMC member helps manage and guide the direction of the project.
Apache Kyuubi(Incubating) 1.5.1-incubating released
2022 Apr 21
We are happy to announce the availability of Apache Kyuubi(Incubating) 1.5.1-incubating! Visit the release notes to read about the new features, or download the released today.
New committers: Nicholas Jiang & Fu Chen
2022 Mar 29
The Podling Project Management Committee (PPMC) for Apache Kyuubi has invited Nicholas Jiang & Fu Chen to become our committers and we are pleased to announce that they both have accepted.
Nicholas’s been working in many areas of the Kyuubi community, especially in the Flink SQL engine, he plays an important role in implementation, promotion and Q&A of the Kyuubi Flink SQL engine.
Fu contributed to several modules in Kyuubi consistently over 6 months, including Spark engine, Spark engine extension, Kyuubi server restful api and Kyuubi infrastructure. He also helps review other developers’ pull requests actively in the community.
Please join me in congratulating Nicholas & Fu!
Being a committer enables easier contribution to the project since there is no need to go via the patch submission process. This should enable better productivity. A PPMC member helps manage and guide the direction of the project.
Apache Kyuubi(Incubating) 1.5.0-incubating released
2022 Mar 25
We are happy to announce the availability of Apache Kyuubi(Incubating) 1.5.0-incubating! Visit the release notes to read about the new features, or download the released today.
Apache Kyuubi(Incubating) 1.4.1-incubating released
2022 Jan 30
We are happy to announce the availability of Apache Kyuubi(Incubating) 1.4.1-incubating! Visit the release notes to read about the new features, or download the released today.